Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nolan - Man how omniscient could You be ????

Those who know me well, know how big a fan I am of this ordinary looking man with extraordinary-creative brain and talent, Christopher Johnathan James Nolan. His exceptional track record is something that sets him apart from his contemporaries. Even mavericks like Spielberg aren't known for this level of Consistency. All his work, whether it be Memento, Prestige, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight or The Latest Psychological thriller Inception, they've all been able to Outwit the audiences on the "What to Expect" parameter. His work is open to endless interpretations and discussions, and yeah I need to refrain myself now, because I can just go all day talking about this man. Well now for the purpose of this post, It is to share with you all, one of Nolan's very first work. "Doodlebug" written and directed by him, was made by him during His college days. In this short, the depths of insanity are explored by a man chasing something in his apartment with a shoe. So here it is, Enjoy !!